The Problem
The NHS trust is always looking to make savings and so, the trust is always looking to make savings in theatres. As it currently stands, the trust uses the Johnson and Johnson Excel range of trocars. However, it has been recognised that this excel range makes up for 15% of trocar usage and s, it is believed that savings could be made if they opt to use the Genmed Trocars.
The problem not only comes in the form of helping to reduce costs but also making sure that surgeons also feel comfortable and confident using Genmed trocars. Of course, the trust wants to continue delivering a high level of care and attention when treating patients, so the trocars have to match or improve on the current quality and value they receive from the Johnson and Johnson Excel range.
The aim is to obtain surgeon approval to replace Excel Trocars with Genmed Trocars and to ensure that patient safety remains a priority.

The Solution
In order to determine whether the Genmed trocars are suitable for use, a trial was put in place. Genmed representatives were not able to be present due to Covid restrictions. A cross-match exercise was undertaken with the trials beginning on the 27th April 2021.
After clinical trial approval was granted, the products used as part of the trial includes the 12mm Optical Trocar with extra cannula and 5 mm Optical Trocar with extra cannula, all of which were to be used as a replacement for the equivalent Excel Trocars.
The evaluations were completed by 11th June 2021 with eight surgeons taking part.
The Outcome
Following the evaluation, it was found that all surgeons had provided feedback with eight of them being happy to proceed with the use of the Genmed products. The results have been taken to Clinical Lead with the aim of requesting sign off and to conclude the process as successful.
This means that the surgeons were happy to make the switch while all comments and recommendations have been addressed accordingly. As a result, the trust had agreed to close off and approve the success of the evaluation with the approval of Genmed Trocars.
Case Studies
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